Wednesday, 27 August 2008

LSD - Has It Got A Future?

I wrote an article about the drug LSD some months ago, which unexpectedly became popular. The present article looks at some of the issues involved and paves the way for more discussion of this fascinating topic.

Those readers who have been closely following the fortunes of this blog "That Reminds Me", intrepid band of heroes that you are, will probably already be aware that this blog exists in two different locations on the web. There is a Wordpress version and this new improved version on

Both of these free hosts are amazing in many ways, but both are also in different ways, deeply annoying, and for the most baffling of reasons. I do not intend to go into these reasons at the moment. Perhaps I will at some later date. Users of these hosts will no doubt know what things I am referring to anyway.

My main reason in writing this post is to talk about how my LSD post got on. I first wrote it back in April this year, because I had happened to notice by chance that it was the 65th birthday of LSD on April 7th. More correctly it was the 65th anniversary of the invention of the drug by Hoffman in Switzerland.

I thought at the time that there would be very little interest in the topic, but I was wrong. In fact, the LSD birthday post is one of the most popular posts on that Wordpress version of "That Reminds Me". So I intend to post some more articles on the subject for the benefit of those readers, and there are many of them, who have shown interest. I have no anxieties that you will be able to find my articles in this new location, since the keyword LSD seems to be an exceptionally buzzy one for some reason.

I will confine myself here to the observation that, when it was first studied, LSD was hailed by many authorities to be a wonder drug, which would have far-reaching consequences in the cure of many mental illnesses. Yes, you did read that right, in the CURE of mental illnesses.

Perhaps now may be the time for a reappraisal of this remarkable substance? Sphere: Related Content

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